Featured project- transpiration by Qi Xuan Lai

Featured project- transpiration by Qi Xuan Lai

by Singapore Science Centre SSCG -
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Thanks Qi Xuan Lai for sharing this project as part of the Young Water Ambassador Programme


1.     Find a big, clear plastic bag to cover your plant.
* If you don’t have a big enough plastic bag, tape it to a second one. Cut a large hole at the bottom of the second plastic bag.

The Plant

2.     Cover your plant with the plastic bag.

Putting the plastic bag over the plant

Plastic Bag over plant

3.     Two to three hours later, remove the plastic bag from the plant gently. There should be water droplets on the inner surface of the plastic bag. 

Water droplets on plastic bag

Water droplets on plastic bag

4.     Hit the plastic bag to allow water droplets to flow into a measuring cup.

The water collected

The water in a measuring cup

Transpiration is when water is lost through the stomata of the leaf. Transpiration allows water to remove heat from the plants and thus cooling it.Water gains heat and evaporates into water vapour. The water vapour loses heat to the plastic bag and condenses into the water droplets on the plastic bag.